Branding is no longer a designer logo, a set of pretty graphics and a unique font applied to marketing materials. Today businesses need to develop a unique positioning in the marketplace and show the story behind the company and the pretty graphics. They need to integrate the company’s message into the brand and convey the brand promise in an emotional, truthful and compelling way, in order to connect with their audience.
People buy brands, not products.
A brand must be engaging and unique but must also provide a consistent message and voice. Products and services face increasing competition because of technology advances. A modern brand never stands still, it must adapt to cultural needs in order to survive and thrive.
Evolve but keep your consistency
Social media has become a huge influence on the power of the brand and how it evolves. The identity of the brand is no longer simply defined by the company, but by customer input and opinion. It is crucial to establish a trusted brand that is easily recognizable. The designers of modern-day corporate identities aim to apply a significant degree of standardization to brand and promotional activity, trying to create simplistic yet comprehensive designs.
Don’t limit your brand
For a modern brand to be effective it needs to engage much more directly with its audiences in many ways, across a diverse range of online and social platforms, all with their own individual communication rules.
The brand needs to be able to breathe and evolve, using a more fluid approach, with overall values at its core and using a brand kit of parts that can breathe, evolve and develop for the long term. Flexible modern designs provide an eye-catching spectacle that promotes conversation and interest, generating advertising through social media and the market.
Being flexible and adaptive to the modern-day trends makes brands maintain the ability to be recognized immediately. Listen to feedback from your customers, accept their desires and updated requirements is the best way to protect your brand from becoming dated and irrelevant. Of course, core principles and attributes should not be compromised by this flexibility. Your brand is still your message to the customers and this does not change, it simply keeps up with the evolution of the market.
Modern Brand is a powerful tool and you should not underestimate the dynamic it can bring to your business. A refreshed brand identity aligned with people’s needs and social culture gives your brand a sense of purpose and unique position in the marketplace.